
The current installment of the COEC began meeting in 2007.

We are currently on a "break," for no particular reason, and many little reasons - mostly pertaining to life circumstances. If anyone is interested in calling a meeting, feel free to post on the blog, join the google group (see link below) and send an email, or contact either Nancy (nancykj10@yahoo.com) or Jesse (schroeder.jesse@gmail.com) for more information.

To receive cohort emails, join our Google group.


Also, in case you were wondering...

"The emerging church isn’t dead. It’s just finally wrestled with the angel and won. It’s shedding it old image, the one that got people so riled up in the first place. The conversations won’t ever go away because in the end, we’re looking for what it means to be human. We’re looking to discover the reality that Jesus was trying to present, one of infinite grace and beauty, stark reality of the kingdom of God in our midst, and a renewed sense of possibility for the restoration of the world.

This is from the recent "State of Emergence" posted by Emergent Village, written by Jonathan Brink. 

If you are interested...

A friend from my "old days" in Grove City Vineyard is blogging about why the missional church plant he has been working on in California has not gone the way he envisioned. There are several really interesting things he says. In my opinion, he is cutting through to the root of what following Jesus' teachings in a committed community really looks like. Check out some of the "Pastoralia" posts here and here

One quick quote:

"It's easier to build coalitions for restoring former glory than it is to lead people into the uncertain possibilities of what could be. I'd rather fail at the latter than succeed at the former." 

Also, at the end of this post he talks about the challenge of leadership plurality.

One reason I think this is relevant to the cohort is that, while we don't spend a lot of time talking about being "missional" or being some sort of "church" - I truly believe that we are doing a new kind of Christian thing in Columbus. We have chosen to live out our faith in a different way for different reasons. We are experiencing the pros and cons of our decision every week. Kel and I talk about it all the time. You probably do too. We may not always realize it, or talk about it, but we are pushing into the future of Christian faith in bold new ways.


POINTLESS Christmas Party

Sat. Dec. 18
179 Bridgeport Way
Delaware, OH 43015

Meats, drinks and table service provided

PLEASE BRING: side dishes, desserts, appetizers and any "special" drinks you may want to share.

PLEASE RSVP: # attending and dish(s) bringing.

GIFT EXCHANGE: $10.00 (OR LESS!) limit. Gender neutral. Per Mary "something nice not junk" (please direct inquiries about definition of "nice" to Mary) Home made or hand crafted welcome.


Sunday Mass 9:00 a.m.

Sunday, December 12 Mike and I are planning to attend the 9:00 a.m. St. Mary's Catholic Church Mass at 684 South 3rd Street in German Village.

We would be very happy to have you join us.



Is the Cohort "Pointless"??

I think this is an incredibly insightful and thought-provoking post from Dan David Hayward, aka naked pastor. He describes the church as being "pointless." A selection from the post (with emphasis added):

If a church has vision and is goal-oriented, then it has deviated from its healthiest self and will impose burdens on its members. It will have become something else… like a lobbying group, an activist group, a missional group, or something other than just a church. It can still call itself a church. But it should admit it has opted for a utilitarian identity rather than just accepting its identity. A church will have to choose to be utilitarian or just be. It can’t be both.
In other words, churches should be pointless. Pointless like my family is pointless. My family is not without its problems and issues, but it is a vibrant, rich, joyful and dynamic community. But it is completely pointless. It doesn’t mean things don’t happen or that we haven’t had an affect on others or the world. But we are pointless. We’re not even intentionally pointless. We are just pointless. And I love it for that. That’s why I love to go home every day and just be, just relax, just love and be loved.

What do you think? Should church be "pointless" as Dan David suggests? This is very contrary to the contemporary idea that each church should find its identity, its mission and its purpose. But part of me really resonates with what Dan David is saying and I think he is on to something. I think he is describing that indescribable aspect of the cohort that makes it so valuable - we don't have to work at it. We don't have to force it or make it "something." It just is.

Are we pointless? Is that a good thing?


Celebration of the Faithful: Advent Conspiracy

Hi everyone -

Tonight (12/5), Kristen is hosting the Celebration of the Faithful at 5:30pm. We will be looking the Advent Conspiracy - a movement that began about four years ago by a few pastors who felt that the true meaning of Christmas (love, worship, excitement) was being hijacked by consumerism, business, and stress.

We will be celebrating with food and fellowship, and will be discussing the four principles of Advent Conspiracy.

If you want to come and have questions or need directions, feel free to email Kristen at kmkuzmick@gmail.com.

Hope to see everyone there!