
The current installment of the COEC began meeting in 2007.

We are currently on a "break," for no particular reason, and many little reasons - mostly pertaining to life circumstances. If anyone is interested in calling a meeting, feel free to post on the blog, join the google group (see link below) and send an email, or contact either Nancy (nancykj10@yahoo.com) or Jesse (schroeder.jesse@gmail.com) for more information.

To receive cohort emails, join our Google group.


McLaren on Habakkuk

Good frigid morning to you all. 
Thanks to all who have chimed in on the orthodoxy piece.  It's fun to hear everyone's different perspectives again.  I've missed you all.
I've got another one for you this morning.  I just came across this piece by Brian McLaren. 
I started reading it because I love to hear messages on more "obscure" (or at least less talked about) passages.  And I had a hunch that it might be helpful for a couple friends of mine.
What I found as I read was surprising, though.  Especially near the end, I felt my own shoulders drop and an exhale of breath I didn't realize I'd been holding. 
So my hope is that there is something here that blesses you the way it did me this morning. 
Peace to you all, my friends. 


Three Reasons You're Not Too Smart for Orthodoxy

Hey friends,

I came across this blog post today. Thought you all might find it interesting. It's short and leaves lots of room for comment, so I'd like to hear yours...




Does Hell Exist? If So, Who Ends Up There, And Why? - Hellbound the Movie

So the flu bug has infiltrated the Hamilton house this week.  Haezel had it Sunday and I was down with it yesterday.  Both of us are feeling much better now, but there are two other bodies in the house.  Our fingers are crossed that it wont be extended further, we'll see how it goes.  

Anyway, the cohort meeting is planned for our house this weekend.  We are going to watch the new documentary "Hellbound?".  You can follow the link above to find out more info.  It is a great documentary on the historical reference to hell, as well as the different current day ideas of hell in American churches.  Many "popular" emergent types as well as some, lets call them "traditional" christians, make appearances in the film.  Its definitely a film our cohort should view and discuss.  

We are going to make a pot of soup, most likely pasta fazoli (which has been a hit in the past) to share.  We will plan on eating around 5 pm.  Our girls will be leaving around 530 for their Awana service, if we start the movie then, it will give us time to watch and discuss a little before they get back home.

If you want to bring anything to share that would be great.  We wont turn down extra food or drink.  

Also keep in mind that any or all of this could change as the week progresses.  Thanks.

PS ---- congrats to Jesse & Kelly on the new addition and thanks for doin it a little more "normal" this time.

The Hamilton's


Celebration of the Faithful - Out with the old, renewing perspective

So, its 2014.  This Celebration is inspired by my housemates Chris and Julia.  We'll take time to think about our 2013 on a personal level and reflect.  Then take a look at this new year.  Another theme is "surrender."

5:00 pm Sunday, Jan 19th
1414 Hamlet St. Columbus 43201

Looking forward to seeing you all!
No meal with this.  I'll have some light snacks but no need to bring anything.

If anyone can help with or needs a ride, carpool etc. post in the comments or email.


Future Happenings!

Hello everyone and Happy New Year!

Curt, Matt and I are just wrapping up the planning meeting and we're pretty excited about the things to come.

A huge thank you to Eve for sending out the email that got us all thinking and discussing what we'd like to do over the next few months, and for all of you who sent your suggestions.

Please check the Google calendar from now until the end of March, as we've included as many of your suggestions as we could fit in.  We've "assigned" [read: suggested] dates and times for all your events.  If the date and/or time doesn't work for you, feel free to swap out with someone or just adjust the calendar on your own.

Note that for each of the events that are discussing a particular book/video/podcast/idea, there is a link to the material in the calendar appointment so we all have a chance to be on the same page.

Hope to see you all next week for a Celebration of the Faithful at Eve and Zach's.


A Few Reminders

Hi friends -

This Sunday, January 5, at 4pm we will meet at Jacqui's house for a time of prayer. This won't be your typical "sit in a circle and take requests" prayer time. We have planned several interactive and contemplative "stations" in the hopes of guiding participants on a prayer "journey," thinking back over the past year and looking ahead to 2014.

Everyone is welcome, and we hope to meet some new friends as well! Email Jacqui at jacquibuschorgmail.com for her address and any more info you might need. 

Also, for all of you cohortians - we need to make some New Years plans! So let's meet on Sunday January 12th at Global Gallery on North High St. at 4pm to put a few things on the calendar.