
The current installment of the COEC began meeting in 2007.

We are currently on a "break," for no particular reason, and many little reasons - mostly pertaining to life circumstances. If anyone is interested in calling a meeting, feel free to post on the blog, join the google group (see link below) and send an email, or contact either Nancy (nancykj10@yahoo.com) or Jesse (schroeder.jesse@gmail.com) for more information.

To receive cohort emails, join our Google group.


Blue Like Jazz The Movie

Here is the trailer for Blue Like Jazz The Movie (based on the book by Donald Miller). We are planning to go see this as a group on Saturday April 28th. at the 4:45pm showing. We'll also get coffee or drinks after and have some open discussion.

You can buy tickets here (movietickets.com), and because it's an early showing, tickets are $7.

(By the way, not sure if any old-school cohortians remember traveling to Ohio Wesleyan University in mid 2008 to hear Don Miller talk about supporting Barack Obama. We had a nice in person chat)


This Sunday - Community Night

This Sunday - April 15 - we'll meet at Scot and Mary's house for "Community Night" which is just a time for everyone to share recent experiences, challenges or joys and for the group to respond in affirmation. We'll meet at 5pm, and the Millers will have the grill going. If you can, bring a side dish or dessert to share. We don't post addresses here for obvious Internet-related reasons, but if you need directions or more info, feel free to email Jesse at schroeder.jesse@gmail.com Post in the comments if you are coming and what side you are bringing. Hope to see everyone there!



You don’t know who you love
Stop pretending that you do
This is a God who takes sides
This is a God who murders firstborns
to teach a pharaoh and the world

Stop pretending that you know who you love
When you say yes to this God
Be ready to leave everything
be ready to suffer

But you don’t want to hear these words
You want to keep pretending
it’s about Heaven or Eden or a promised land

And that it’s not about
a God who led his people out of Egypt through bloody doorposts
a God who let a girl place a baptist’s head on a platter
a God who abandoned his own Son

When you enter into this Mystery
enter at your own risk
enter at your own peril
know that you will be devoured by The One and Only God

who will teach youhow to bleed and die with Him
how to live and breathe in Him
how to love

When you stop pretending
I can tell you in all honesty this is the God you will find

This God I love
This God I choose
This God I AM


Seder Dinner

This Friday, April 6th, we will gather to celebrate a traditional "Passover Seder." We will meet at Ian and Nikki's house at 5:45pm and start the dinner at 6pm (sharp!) After completing the traditional seder, we will share a meal together.

The Seder is the traditional meal that starts the celebration of Passover in Judaism. We will most likely have a more Christian oriented Passover, recognizing the connection of the symbols to Christianity and the death and resurrection of Jesus. It is a very rich, meaningful, interesting, and enjoyable experience. Hopefully everyone can join us!

The meal will be a potluck, so please post in the comments if you will be coming and what dish you will be bringing to share with everyone.