
The current installment of the COEC began meeting in 2007.

We are currently on a "break," for no particular reason, and many little reasons - mostly pertaining to life circumstances. If anyone is interested in calling a meeting, feel free to post on the blog, join the google group (see link below) and send an email, or contact either Nancy (nancykj10@yahoo.com) or Jesse (schroeder.jesse@gmail.com) for more information.

To receive cohort emails, join our Google group.


Doo Dah Parade and BBQ!

This Monday, to celebrate the 4th, we are going to go to the Doo Dah Parade and then to Nick's house for a BBQ. If you've never seen the Doo Dah Parade, you really should. The website is http://www.doodahparade.com/ We'll meet at Nick's house (1270 Courtland Ave.) at 12:30 and then walk to find a shady spot to sit and watch the parade go by. Afterwards we'll head back to Nick's for a cookout. Please post in the comments what you plan to bring for the cookout - meat, veggies, sides, drinks, etc.

Happy Doo Dah!


Let's talk about money

We have a money discussion scheduled for Sunday June 26 at 3:00PM. The place has not be determined yet. We will all discuss how we each budget and handle our finances.

Update: We will meet at the Clintonville Panera on High St. Directions here.

New Update: The meeting today is cancelled. Sorry for the confusion. Because of some people traveling and other commitments it is being called off. Have a good day!


The Big Move

As most of you know, I will be moving into my new home on Monday, June 20th.  I am very excited about it, but I have run into a problem.  I am going to need someone to help me with one thing.  The moving company is going to pack and more me but I need someone to drive me to the new place along with my cat, rabbit, hamster and parakeet.  What can I say, I love animals.  My entire family is either in Spain (my niece), Myrtle Beach (brother and sister-in-law) or in the laboratory somewhere under OSU working on developing new materials in the field of nano technology(My nephew, Einstein, Jr.) 

Also, the book discussion came upon me much sooner than I thought it was going to be.  I haven't ordered by books for the group.  This was very stupid on my part.  I should have ordered them immediately after we decided on the book.  I'm sort of famous for forgetting or putting things off.  I think I put this off and then forgot.  (A double MY BAD!!)  I have one copy.  Do any of you have copies?  I will put in the order on Saturday. 

I really sorry.  There's no excuse.  I messed up.

Br. Curt.


Community Night @ Miller's

Please join us for a cohort "community night" Sunday, June 12, 4pm-7pm. Community night is a time to hang out and catch up with one another about the current challenges/blessings/hopes/disappointments/etc our respective lives are bringing to us. We grow our relationships w/one another through this process of interacting. Kinda simple huh?

Mary plans to have the grill fired up and will no doubt be whipping up culinary magic as she is wont to do. So (this time) the host will provide the meats, drinks and salads. If you would like to bring some contribution to the meal we will share... "snack items" would be a good choice!

Everyone is invited. Please don't stay away if you have never joined us before. This will a perfect opportunity to connect with us:)


Our address:

179 Bridgeport Way
Delaware, OH 43015

love to all,